Wednesday, April 29, 2009

As a junior attending City Charter High School I've been informed by teachers and students about the graduation project. The graduation project is a state requirement that all students not only have to complete, but pass to graduate. The graduation project is done independtly to see what you learned from elementry school through high school. The project take approxiatemly 2 years to complete and involves a lot of research. I know several of students who completed their graduation project, but I witness my sister in the process of completing her graduation project. From her experiences she said she enjoy doing it and the advice she gave me was to choose a topic/project that I'm intrested in, if I dont choose a topic I'm interested in then I wont complete the project. I had some ideas that I had for my graduation project, but the one I'm more intersted in is recreations affects on communities. Right now I dont have no concerns about the graduation project, but I'm sure I will have some as I complete my project.