Friday, July 10, 2009

I have been looking for books at carnegie website and had difficulty with finding books. I found three books, but I could only look at one because the book was either out or not in the library yet I dont know. When I visited carnegie library I found the book that I seen one the website and started to read it and there was very little useful information. When I went back onto the website a few days later I looked at the databases which gave me more options and i found more articles such as "Community Programs Can Help Youths", "Video Games Cause Aggressive and Violent Behavior in Youth". These articles made me look even deeper into my topic. In order to find more information I have to look further into the websites to gather useful information because it's there I just have to find it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Yesterday and today I've been brain storming, coming up with interview questions for my upcoming interview and my survey questions for the children who attend youth places. My interview questions are going to answer some of my foundation questions that are going to answer my essential . Every question that I had I have in mind I put record it, but the difficult part is analysing my questions because I have to re-read my questions and get rid of the ones that are not going to answer my questions and combined questions. I'm looking forward to the interview because I already know who I'm going to interview and cant wait to see the results of the childrens responds. The main youth place I'm focusing on is Homewood YMCA because that's the youth places I attend, but I will also give the survey to people who attend other youth places and I will vissit other youth palces. So Ill see what I get out of this interview and survey.

· Youth places are also known as shelters, a place where people/children can meet their friends in a familiar place and feel safe
· Children are a part of our community and they need to socialize and integrate into their community.
· Youth places offer clubs, after school program, activities (sports) that are beneficial to the community.
· Youth places offer volunteer work, jobs, food, equipment, games, and cloths.
· Scholarships, study hall, summer programs, adult programs
· When youth places are involved with the community it decreases violence in the community.
· Youth places are placed in neighborhood where violence is well known “hood”.
· There are different types of youth places such as recreation centers, YMCA, and boys & girls club
· That youth places are not just for children there open to all ages.
Sources “Delivering the best for Children” “Youth Places” “ youth places”

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The outcome of my project is to prove to people that youth places decrease the potential of violence. I hope to show people that youth places is the community because youth places bring the street children off the street into a safe enviornment and if the people in the community is not considered as one or there not working together then the neighborhood is not considered a community. Youth places are outlets for the street children and when the youth places are closed then the children are bak on the street"running wild". The streets is the place for children to be because so many bad things can happen. The street is a easy way of getting in trouble and its easier to get in trouble and very difficult to get out of trouble. The effects that youth palces bring to street childeren is excitment and positive effects. Street children do the same activities youth places offer, but they do them in the street which can be a bad thing because if they are playing football in the street and accidently bust someones car window and then conflict takes over. When in youth places sports are allowed beacuse youth places have the correct equipment and the right enviornment. In addition of the you places that already exsist I hope to provide more youth places in neighborhoods that dont have them. Also I realize that youth place are placed in the low income neighborhoods, "hood" because evidence prove that in those type of neighborhoods is where violence is well known and youth places are placed in the hood to avoid violence.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Preparing my proposal i started to brainstorm asking myself questions that will help me complete my proposal. I completed the prewritting questionnaire that is the begginig of the proposal. The prewritting brought out ideas that I didnt even know to think of. It helped me think more deeply into my project and find out more information that I was attending to look for.

Monday, June 1, 2009

In the process of researching I record my citation that we have to put in annotation. I only complete 6 out 10 because I only felt like I explore 6 above average websites. I only do an annotation on website(s) that I feel is going to contribute to my project or that is going to give me evidence when I need to answer a question. I think I did annotation on maybe 1 or 2 average websites that I didnt think they were good enough to keep, but I did them because I didnt have enough resources recorded to eliminate any website. I should gather more websites and resources so I can eliminate the "junky websites". Today we were informed about the proposal we have to write and a few questions we have to answer for ourselves to get started like our purpose of my project, why I'm doing this project, etc.