Friday, June 19, 2009

Yesterday and today I've been brain storming, coming up with interview questions for my upcoming interview and my survey questions for the children who attend youth places. My interview questions are going to answer some of my foundation questions that are going to answer my essential . Every question that I had I have in mind I put record it, but the difficult part is analysing my questions because I have to re-read my questions and get rid of the ones that are not going to answer my questions and combined questions. I'm looking forward to the interview because I already know who I'm going to interview and cant wait to see the results of the childrens responds. The main youth place I'm focusing on is Homewood YMCA because that's the youth places I attend, but I will also give the survey to people who attend other youth places and I will vissit other youth palces. So Ill see what I get out of this interview and survey.

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