Monday, June 1, 2009

During my research I've found some websites that are useful and some that are not so much not useful, but I'm seeing the same information. It's difficult to find excellent websites where you can explore it and find everything your researching for. I have at least two websites that are above average because of the images, pictures,features, and information provided. I have not yet came across a website that have video(s), but hopefully I do. My topic is about the youth places effect on children while doing research on this topic and I found out that not only do youth places effect children, they also effect adults. In the process on my research I found out some information I was researching for but I want to know what would the differnt communities be like if youth places did not exsist? My research can answer little parts of the question but it does not have a complete answer. Continuing this research I'll see what this researching brings me.

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